Monday, September 29, 2008
It Died. Finally!
The kids have been playing with all the settings and buttons and oohing and aahing. This toaster is getting more use in one morning than the old one did in a year. For some reason I have a feeling this toaster won't make it as long.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Weekend Get-Away
The time away was nice. While shopping we were pulled into this art gallery by this amazing piano.

The owner George Denninger had carved and sanded this piece of work for a million hours. It was incredible. My friend sat down to play and George pulled out some sheet music which started the whole tug at my heart. Then I picked up a little book he authored. Just a little book he stapled together with his artwork and some words of how to find Good, God. It actually brought tears to my eyes I felt the spirit so strongly. It's funny how you can find the spirit in the most unusual, unexpected places if you just open your heart and listen and be still.
That night we attended Time Out For Women. I'd been asked to help out with the event and ended up giving the closing prayer in front of only 1000 women. That was a humbling experience.My friend thought it would be funny to take a picture of me as I was walking up on stage to pray. She used my camera so I'd be surprised when I downloaded them. She was having trouble with the zoom so she took a picture of the BIG screen and suddenly realized I was praying. So now I have a HUGE picture, zoomed up real close of me praying.
My O'Fallon and Shiloh girlfriends.
Then we stayed up all night talking. The funny part of this picture is my friends feet in the the table's centerpiece. This is me helping out the next morning. Don't I look official?
We brought our own spread. We just couldn't bring ourselves to pay the $16 the caterers were asking for a sandwich.
Saturday afternoon, when it was all over I headed home ready to be with my family again. This is what I found: Jenna naked in my room watching Dora with a honey and a spoon. I hurried downstairs to get the camera to capture the picture before she saw me. This is what my life consists of on a daily basis-Jenna naked sneaking sweets. Shes fussing at me in this picture because I surprised her and she dropped her spoon in the honey. Oh Jenna. No welcome home kiss, no hug just, "Mom, you made me drop my spoon!"
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Bill Clinton
I came across this quote last night on CNN.
"Why say, ever, anything bad about a person? Why don't we like them and celebrate them and be happy for her elevation to the ticket? And just say that she was a good choice for him and we disagree with them?"
He was talking about Sarah Palin but I think this applies to everyone. This is why I hate politics even though I try to follow them. Does politics have to be about tearing people down until there is nothing left. Is it possible to like the person but disagree with them? Do we have to be outright mean and hateful?
Are the Democrats evil people? Are the Republicans? Is the person down the street?
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Kellie, if you win I'll pay you the $30 I owe you
Traci, if you win I'll help you move while stealing things from your closet.
Mom & Dad, if you win I'll blog and write and call more.
Friends, if you win you'll be my #1 friend for a whole week. I''ll call you everyday and bring you dinner and watch your kids. . .
Scott, if you win I'll let you buy me a ticket to visit my sister you're stealing away from me.
Kelsey, if you win I'll call ____ and let him know you like him. That way you don't have to worry about it anymore.
Jason, if you win I'll be surprised because you never read my blog.
Here is what he looks like on the other side of the door. Isn't he cute?
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
A Happy Day
Monday, September 15, 2008
My Excuse. . .
Then I thought about blogging about my kids and politics. They've been following it a little to. It's funny to hear their conversations. One afternoon after soccer practice I hear from the back seat of the car my kids talking about Mitt Romney to their friend.