I've learned to trust in Heavenly Father more. I couldn't have done this without His help.
I've learned to more clearly recognize the promptings of the Holy Ghost. It helps if you are listening.
I've learned that Heavenly Father is ever mindful of His children and He loves each and every one of them. When I walked down the streets of NYC I see just a small fraction-there are so many and yet he knows them intimately.
I've learned to not judge. We really can't judge others based on what we see on the outside, what they allow us to see. Just like ogres, people have many layers.
I've learned people are appreciative when you share something from the heart. With each Book of Mormon I included a personal note. Each of these people have touched my life in some way and I wanted them to know how much that meant to me. Many thanked me for that gesture.
I've learned we don't need to be afraid to share our faith and experiences. When people ask what you did over the weekend don't filter out what we think they don't want to hear. Go ahead and share your experiences. Tell them you went to church or to the Temple, etc. They won't be turned off by it. You aren't preaching but you are sharing a part of your life with them.
I've learned people want to hear the good news. There is so much negativity in the world. We are bombarded with the world's propoganda. People need to see there is more than what is offered by the tv, movies and music of today. I noticed through Jerome's blog and talking to Susan that people want to hear the good, want to be uplifted by stories of faith. It gives them courage to be strong in the face of adversity and temptation. We need to give people options-there is hope, there is goodness in this world.
I've learned that again that Heavenly Father answers heartfelt prayers. "Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work;. . ." It may not be easy but I know we do not do this alone.
My testimony has strengthened. My faith has grown. If we look we will see the innumerable ways in which Heavenly Father blesses us. He is merciful and He is Kind.
My relationship with my Heavenly Father has deepened. I see a little more clearly what He is able to see. I hope my vision continues to clear.
I am more appreciative of the plan of salvation. I'm grateful for my knowledge that there is a purpose and plan to this life. I hope to continue to share that with others. I don't see 26 as my final number. I want to wake up each day praying to be able to share a part of this gospel with someone. I hope to continue to trust in the Spirit and not be sidetracked by the natural man which tends to hesitate and question. I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for trusting me with this. I knew once I accepted I wouldn't fail because I know
"in the strength of the Lord I can do ALL things."