Saturday, June 21, 2008

Independence Day

Jenna has declared her independence. I'd forgotten, 2 year olds want to do everything themselves. All day long, all I hear is. . .

"I want to do it."
"My turn."
"Let me do it."
"Let me get it."
"I'm big."

I don't dare buckle her car seat and if there is a knock no way can anyone else open the front door. And if I happen to forget or just want to hurry things along then . . .we'll let's just say I wished I had exercised a little more patience and just let her do it.

But 2 year olds can change their mind. The world revolves around them and rules change according to their mood. So when her cuppy is on the floor next to her feet or her blanket is just out of arms reach, all of a sudden she can't do it or she doesn't want to do it.

"Get me my cuppy."

"No Jenna, you get it. It's right there."

"I can't. I'm too little."

The words "can't" and "little" are spoken ever so softly to prove just how little and helpless she really is.
How convenient Jenna. I wish I was two and could use that excuse. But unfortunately for Jenna I've come up with a comeback.

"Yes, but you're STRONG."

It doesn't always work but at least it stops the whine and gives her something to consider until there's a knock at the door or a snack to get out of the cupboard. Then the real Jenna is back.

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