Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Book Fan

Ryan's sitting on the couch reading the 4th Harry Potter book. He's really into it. He looks up at me and asks, "Mom, who was the guy that invented books. . .because I like him." Then he goes back to reading his book.

I would have to agree. I like him too.

Our Snow Day

I looked out the window today and was surprised to find that it had actually snowed. This was a pretty decent snowfall unlike others we've had. It snows about once year here and even then it's nothing to brag about. But today there was enough snow that I wished that my kids had snow gear. I have a few items I've saved from when we lived in Alaska and I still have my ski pants from oh, 18 years ago. . .while we weren't the most fashionable on the sledding hill we made do and had a really fun day. This hill is in our friend's backyard. Though it doesn't look it, it's a pretty steep hill.Here's Jenna in Kelsey's old coat, hat and gloves. Poor girl had to wear sz. 12 boots when she only wears a 6.Kelsey making snow angels with her friend McKenna.Ryan trudging up the hill.Jenna with her best friends Mason and Taylor.Kate spent most of her time exploring the woods.Eric didn't come outside with us when we were sledding. He was supposed to be taking a nap but didn't. I didn't bring his snow gear with us so he missed his chance flying down the mountain with his momma! He did play outside this morning once I finished shoveling the driveway. You caught that I said shovel and not snow blow right? You don't realize how long your driveway is until you have to shovel it.

That takes me back. Do you remember Traci?

Now that it's snowed I realize how much I miss it. I miss how it brightens up the night. I love getting all decked out and playing in it-sledding, snowshoeing and cross-country skiing.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Just found out we have another snow day tomorrow. That makes 4. Every night just before bed Ryan reminds me that he doesn't want to go to school. Well, someone seems to be listening to him because I can't remember the last time my kids went a full week. I sure wish I could figure out who's granting his wishes because I have a few of mine own that I'd like to have carried out.

One wish granted

Kate, Ryan and Jenna all went to a friends house today and since Eric was napping Kelsey and I snagged a few minutes of peace. This never happens. Just the two of us in a quiet house not having to meet any one's needs besides our own. So what did we do? I got out the hot chocolate, some conversation heart candy and the backgammon board. We talked, we played and I lost. (just like old times, right Sheila?) But I gained what I've been missing out on and that is time with my daughter. She's growing up so quickly and once she turns 14 in April I'm afraid the time will go even quicker. I don't know what I'd do without her. All my friends when they see her say, "I wish I had a Kelsey!" I'm so lucky I do!
I love you Kelsey! Thank you! Can't wait to do it again!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Thanks Obama!

With President Elect Obama's inauguration just around the corner, air traffic is being minimized into Washington D.C. which means. . . Jason's flight was rerouted and he got to spend the day with us yesterday. YAY!

Jason called late Thursday night asking if I could keep a secret. I thought maybe he knew what our next assignment was. Instead he tells me he's getting ready to board the plane and he's coming home and wants to surprise the kids. He waited until the last minute to tell me because if you know the Air Force, and we do, that means anything can change even at the last minute. Usually he flies into Andrews Air Force base, spends the night, pick up patients and then head back to California. I kind of like this route better.

The next morning was fun. Kelsey walks into my room and Jason yells out, "Kelsey! Don't forget to give me a kiss before you go." from the bed. Kate was up getting ready in her room when Jason walks by. Jason wakes Ryan up from his slumber with, "Ryan, it's time to get up." All their looks were priceless. They were stunned. It was fun watching them try to figure out in their tired minds what was going on. Especially Jenna. But she quickly warmed up to the idea that her daddy was home!

So what do you do when you just have one day together. The kids still went to school because it was a 1/2 day and Jason was tired from flying all night. When the kids got home we played Setters, wrestled, Jason gave the boys haircuts and changed a couple light bulbs, went to Y Night at the YMCA and right before bed watched an episode of Psyche (their new favorite show on DVD). The day went by way too quickly but we we'll take a day to be together any day.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Poison Control # 1-800-222-1222

Why the sad face?

It could have been worse.

Jenna got into the locked cleaning supply cabinet which happened to be unlocked at the moment. She decided she wanted to be a mommy and clean the wood floor grabbing the first cleaner she sees. As she's cleaning she sees a ladybug on Eric's cheek (this is her confession I hear later as I'm driving to the doctor) and decides to help him out by spraying the darn bug. She must have gotten it because I didn't see any bug in sight. It probably disinigrated with the chemicals she used. I didn't know the poison control number but there is a medical emergency number on the back of the cleaner, probably because of it's harsh chemicals. Eric's rubbing his eye and I spend the next 15 or so minutes traumatizing him by pouring water all over his face. End up going to the doctor for a follow-up and Eric has a chemical burn. Nothing they can do for him and hes fine now. Just fortunate it didn't get into his eyes! But he has a nice rosy cheek.
Reminder-lock up your cleaning cabinet. And if it's locked make sure it's really locked.

School's On

It's cold out today. They're predicting -15° with windchill and even colder tonight. My kids spent all their time this morning (instead of getting ready for school) refreshing the news page which lists the school closing for the day hoping school would be cancelled. To their dismay their school's name wasn't on it. They ended up HAVING to go to school. I tell you it was a sad morning listening to their complaints. "Mom, why do we have to go to school? Don't they know it's COLD outside?" These same kids have kind neighbors who DRIVE them to school so the only time their bodies will face the cold is the 30 (probably more like 15 ) second run from the car to the gym door. I must say I AM surprised that school isn't cancelled. This district seems to find many reasons to keep the kids at home.

As they were waiting for their ride I almost gave them the "When I was a kid talk." I grew up in Alaska so I know what cold is. I didn't. BUT if they complain again I'll tell them to bundle up and then I'll remind them of their Oma (my mom). She's a school teacher in Alaska and despite -20° temps these past couple of weeks they still had school and they even went out to recess!!!

I guess the Alaska blood I gave them is running thin.

Ryan's 8

Ryan finally got a birthday party. He invited 5 of his best friends over and they spent last Saturday afternoon being loud, running around the house, being loud, rollerskating, being loud, eating cake and opening presents. After talking to the other moms I came to know this loudness is NORMAL boy behavior. I didn't grow up with brothers and since Ryan is my oldest I'm still learning about boys and whats normal. I can now stop wondering what prompts Ryan to yell or sing obnoxiously at the top of his lungs. But it makes me wonder, " How come they're so quiet in Primary??"It was fun to watch the boys rollerskate. Someone was always going down. But even with a big knot in the forehead it didn't stop them from going back out for more!

Show Week at Little Gym

Jenna loves to Climb. She'll climb anywhere no matter the height. She'll use any means. Nothing will detract her from her goal-especially if it's candy or gum. To keep her safe and provide an outlet to all this climbing we decided to enroll her in Little Gym. She loves it and is still fearless in her moves. Here are a few pictures from Show Week.
Bar Routine Balancing on the BeamSomersault on the BeamFloor RoutineShowing off her medalWith her teachers Miss Dawn and Miss LaurenAnd her friend Sarah

Saturday, January 3, 2009

MORE Family Pictures

One of these days we'll get that "perfect" family picture I've always wanted. I just know it. Just not this year. I know that "perfect" family picture exists because we received many of them in Christmas cards from all of you. While I liked our pictures this year (meaning the scenery was nice, I wasn't pregnant and we were all looking at the camera), my only complaint was that it was a bit out of focus. We are grateful that one of Jason's co-workers agreed to take a few pictures of us. She was young and single so she probably didn't know what she was getting into. She probably didn't realize that capturing the happy family requires a lot of yelling, "Look at the camera! No funny faces-Ryan! And no fake smiles either-Kate! Don't worry about your brother-just look at the camera!" Anyway. . since we were on vacation we didn't have much to work with in terms of viewing or editing. . . just the Kodak Picture Maker machine at Wal-mart. Maybe next year my dream will come true. But probably not.

This blog is a request from my mom. You know how parents are-they always want MORE pictures.
After pictures we played around, fed the ducks and got muddy. And the kids were wondering why I didn't let them do that before we took the pictures.
Jason is trying to get the ducks to eat off of Ryan's head.Jenna was scared of the ducks and took refuge on a nearby bench. We had a great time, well, except for Jenna.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas Break in California

WARNING: This is going to be long. I mentioned that I have stories to tell and I do. Because our vacation was a full two weeks there were bound to be some mishaps. And there were. I was a bit wishy-washy about going to California in the first place. Traveling with the kids during peak holiday travel made me nervous. One of my concerns was getting stuck somewhere, the other that he would have to work too much and we wouldn't see much of him. I had a change of heart a couple days after Jason left. We missed him. So I decided to take a chance. I bought tickets and took the kids out of school a couple of days early and off we went.

Mishaps started early.

#1-We flew into San Diego late and were told we were being escorted to our connection in order to make it in time. 15 of us were given priority to get off the plane first. Problem was we had to wait for our stroller which was under the plane and by the time it was brought up to us the plane was empty. Went to find our escort. Told to wait by emergency doors. On accident someone who will remain nameless. . . (Kelsey) pushed through them and set off the ALARM. With all eyes staring at us you'd think they'd notice we were still there and not at our plane.
With the alarm taken care of we were still waiting and then they informed us that though they escorted the 11 other passengers we wouldn't be and instead would have to go out and through security AGAIN! I was not happy. How could you leave a mom with 5 kids behind? We were the ones that needed the help the most! Do you know how difficult it is to go through security with having to take shoes, coats, backpacks and everything off of 6 people, not to mention the 2 heavy car seats we were dragging behind us. It's a nightmare especially to those unlucky enough to be in line behind us. Get to our gate, missed our plane and end up waiting for 4 hours. Not too bad when all the flights on the Southwest board are blinking DELAYED! At least we didn't have to spend the night. We were compensated so I won't hold a grudge too much longer.

Mishap #2-The very next morning while I am unpacking Jenna is playing with a ball. It rolls over to the neighbors porch. (We are staying in base housing-TLF-like an apartment) She walks outside to get it and ends up unable to find her way back. I notice her missing and go out looking for her. PANIC sets in when she is no where to be found. Then the front desk of the base hotel calls (about 1/2 mile away) and says they have Jenna. It turns out our neighbor had turned her in but the police have been called and statements are taken. The police assures me with , "No one is in trouble" or "You're not going to jail." Something along those lines. I was just RELIEVED she was okay. And this was just our first day.

First tourist type activity-Jelly Belly Factory Tour. Jenna was in candy heaven. We then traveled to Old Sacramento where we window shopped and took a horse drawn carriage ride. Result-Ryan's first allergic reaction. Major facial swelling. Jason ended up working that weekend while the kids and I relaxed and played around in the TLF. When you don't have toys-pots and pans, telephones and swivel chairs will do. The kids also enjoyed CABLE T.V. They were in heaven. We didn't go out and sight see because we couldn't get a rental van. For some reason they were all sold out. Something about it being the holidays and ski slopes nearby. Who would have thought? Fortunately,we got one just in time for Christmas. Traci, you think Allison is bad about climbing. Notice Jenna is in the cupboard ABOVE the refrigerator. That girl has no fears.I love this picture of Eric. He checking to see if we notice that he's about to do something he's not supposed to do which is play with the phone. So funny and cute!We spent Christmas Eve in Yuba City with our friends the Riopels. They were a family we knew at our first base in Mtn. Home. It was great seeing them again and catching up. We are especially grateful to them for sharing their Christmas Eve dinner with us. Much better than the Hot Pockets I had planned back at our TLF. Christmas morning we opened presents, ate orange rolls and then ventured out, spending the afternoon in San Francisco. It was blustery and COLD! A few street performers were out and at one such act Kate and Ryan were called up to help out. They were compensated a $1 each for their participation. I have never been to Northern California before and was pleasantly surprised. I loved the rolling hills but could live without the traffic and tolls. San Francisco was beautiful. We had such fun exploring the city. We hit most of the tourist type activities-Pier 39, Fisherman's Wharf and the Golden Gate Bridge the first day.
Since two of our friends live in Monterey we couldn't pass up the chance to go visit them. The Kisbys we knew in Guam and the Perezs were a family from Illinois. We have been blessed to be surrounded by such great people. With the Kisbys we visited Old Fisherman's Wharf. The best thing about this was the free clam chowder samples outside each restaurant on the pier. Forget Costco, if we lived here this would be date night. We spent the night with the Kisbys and after a pancake breakfast the next morning traveled down the road to the Perezs.
Mishap#3 After about 10 minutes inside the Perezs Ryan has a serious allergic reaction to something. Within 10 minutes he is struggling to breath. Jason rushes him to the local emergency room and they give him a breathing treatment. He has never had a reaction this serious before. We still don't know the cause. Once we know he is okay we decide to go for a hike in the Redwoods. Because you know hiking uphill is the best cure to anyone who has trouble breathing.
While Jason worked the first few days we were in town the Perezs came up to visit. It was great to see them and helped pass the time since I was vanless and stuck in the TLF. They are always helping me out! Seriously, well, except for when Mario tried to poison Ryan. (Just kidding Mario!) We got in a game of Settlers and played at a nearby park and then they made me dinner. Because of that and because he later carried Jenna on the hike I decided to forgive him.
As we drove to the Redwoods and back into Monterey we were treated to beautiful views of the coast. Seeing the ocean again brought back memories of Guam and I wanted the kids to have a chance to play on the beach. They ran in the waves and despite rolled up pants they still got soaked.
Mishap #4-Time to head home. Sun is going down so we are taking last minute pictures of the coast. I have Jason pull in one last pullout and 3 cars block us in. The one behind us finally leaves and Jason backs up a little fast and backs into a boulder (similar to the one I'm sitting on) which results in cracked bumper on the rental. We both looked at each other and thought, "GREAT!" Fortunately it sounded worse than it actually was. It really sounded like the whole back end was gone.
It was because of this picture of me that we got this.
We hit San Francisco one last time before we left. We rode the cable car and walked through China Town.

Our last night in town we were treated to a surprise visit from Jason's Aunt Sandra. It was great to sit and visit with her! We hadn't seen her in years.
Despite a few obstacles we loved California and especially being able to spend Christmas with Jason. Seeing him made it all worth it!! We definitely left our hearts (with Jason) in San Francisco!