Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Last Days of Summer

Ahh, the lazy days of summer are coming to an end. One last trip to the waterpark. School starts in 1 week.
I think this sign is hilarous!

Jenna couldn't get enough of the slides. And she let us know that she was big enough to go by herself.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My 36th Birthday

I had a low-key birthday and it was perfect. I don't ask for a lot. Just a clean house and a happy family. I got that, beautiful flowers from my in-laws, phone calls, FB messages, birthday cards, a movie and an impromptu birthday party. Is that another word for surprise? Jason and I took Ryan and Kate to see Harry Potter (Kelsey had Marching Band camp). My good friend Amy volunteered??(I'm not sure if that was the right word-I couldn't find a babysitter) to watch Eric and Jenna. To top it off she invited us all over afterward for pizza and then even made me a cake. According to Jason that was all part of his plan. Right. Sure! Some other good friends, the Jorgensens, came over and we played cards. It was a great day. Exactly how I like it!

Summer Happenings

Just finished another season with the O'Fallon Breakers Swim Team-Kids had a great season. All of them made Conference and their team came in second. Kate swam IM & FLY, Ryan-Back & Kesley-IM, BACK, BREAST & FLY.With Coaches Mike, Mary, Lindsay and Head Coach Kim. Kim is already recruiting Kelsey for the High School TeamVisits from the Keating Cousins. It was a quick overnighter as they were passing through but it was great to see them!Nothing says summer like ICE SKATING! The local rink gave out free passes for every A on your report card. Jenna couldn't wait to give it a try!Hanging out at the Jorgensens And Picking their Vegetables-I wish I could say this was my garden.Trying out Snakes for Size

Raging Rivers Water Park -I took 8 kids all by myself. While everyone else ran off to do their thing I had the best day hanging out with Jenna! Camp Choo Choo-Jenna went 9-noon for a week x4. She played at the park, swam, did crafts. But the best part was she had her very own personal swing pusher! She loves those UNDERDOGS! Summer Job-Kate and Ryan's dream was to earn enough money for a Nintendo DS (newer version of a Game Boy) They pooled their money together and with the money they earned taking care of the neighbors cats, gecko and garden for 10 days 3 x a day they finally had enough. The original plan was to buy Kate's first and then work for Ryans. But this toy is expensive so Jason and I nixed that idea and they're sharing just fine.

Kelsey's First Dance

Kelsey's first dance was at Youth Conference. She was nervous and shy but excited. Oh, I so remember that feeling. Dances are a lot different than back in the "olden days". It's manly group dancing, pairing off only for the slow dances. The popular dance is the line type dances. I'm going to have to YouTube so I figure out how to do them and join in. That is if Kelsey will let me. The one thing that was the same was the music. They were playing music that I used to dance to. Think Rick Astley.

Her second dance was the next night. I offered Kelsey some advice:
1. Guys get tired of always asking girls to dance. Ask them. It boosts their self-esteem to know that you want to dance with them. Then they are more apt to ask you again.

2. There are 20 more girls than guys so if you want to dance you gotta ask.

She took my advice and according to her had the "BEST NIGHT!"