Thursday, March 6, 2008

How I Know I Am Loved

I was really surprised when my 4th child decided she wasn't going to take a pacifier. All my other kids had and now I was going to have to admit to something I long ago didn't believe, that some kids don't take pacifiers no matter how hard you try. When my last child came along I was sure he'd take to it. He decided otherwise. See, he found something better-his fingers. I agree this is WAY better than a pacifier. One, you don't have to worry about losing it! I can't count how many times my husband and I would yell to each other above the scream of the baby, "Where's the pacifier?" Two, I would no longer have to worry about germs, either from other children sucking on it or when it happened to drop on the floor (not that I worried too much, that's only with your first child). Three, it's a cheaper and easier way to go. With our second child we should have bought stock in the company that produced pacifiers with the number we ended up buying. Four, when he wants to suck, its right there, ready and waiting. No more scouring the floors for a lost pacifier. No running to the store when I can't find one. But the BEST thing about my son sucking his fingers is I know he loves me. Even though he can't talk, he shows me everyday!

I love you too!!


Anonymous said...

Cute picture Krista!

Anonymous said...

Wait until he's potty training though and still sucking on his fingers. That's when it gets gross!

I would always have to remind Erin to wash her hands before sucking her thumb after using the bathroom, esp. public bathrooms. Maybe sucking fingers isn't as addicting as sucking a thumb and he'll quit before he's two.

I am enjoying your blog Krista. I was recently telling Mario that we needed to start one too. He says he doesn't have any time. I have nothing but time since my boys go to preschool now, but I don't really know how to get started.

millerjk said...

He is adorable!

Anonymous said...

I hope you don't mind me contacting you this way - but, remember me from Abbott Loop? i'd love to see more family pics - and you can see mine--i have twin girls! i've been thinking about you and Traci and trying to find you. love, chrissie roemer (