Monday, April 21, 2008

My Phantom

I'm tired. I got up a little earlier than usual with Eric. He's usually a great sleeper but today he wanted to eat around 4:30 am. It wasn't that big a deal because he quickly downed a bottle and went back to bed. I did the same and as I snuggled back under the covers I debated over whether to turn off the alarm and forget the gym. After all, I was up extra early and I need my sleep. That's when I heard Eric crying. I got out of bed to check, thinking maybe he was still hungry and found him fast asleep. I climbed under the covers trying to go back to sleep when I heard it again, more crying. Once again I got up to listen and heard nothing. Was this all in my head? Was I imagining it? I told a friend about my experience, that I kept hearing the baby crying when he wasn't. She replied, "Oh, you mean phantom crying." Yes, that's it! I'm validated. Now I know that as moms, our hearing is extra sensitive. We need to be able to hear when our babies need us. I don't mind that. What I do mind is getting up when they don't. Okay, maybe I am a little crazy.

By the way, I did force myself out of bed to go to the gym. I really didn't have a choice. With all this crying in my head, I couldn't sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember feeling that way, too. And good for you for going to the gym!