Thursday, November 13, 2008

I Want To Be a Germ Stopper

I want to dispel a myth that's running around out there. It's this: Hand washing stops the spread of germs. Monday I cleaned all day. I managed to finish the house once I locked those two hooligans up with a movie. As I tackled the toilets and dishes and laundry and changed diapers I must have washed my hands 37 times. When I looked at my hands dry and cracked the thought came to my mind (I really had this thought) that there is no way I'm getting sick this season with as many times as I wash my hands each day. Seriously. I'm safe. Tuesday comes around and what do you know. . . I'm sick. I want to be a germ stopper. I wash my hands, I cough into my elbow, I clean my house. So why is it that I'm going through my 3rd box of Kleenex, Kate has pink eye and Jenna is still in bed and it's 9:30 am. This by the way is unheard of for Jenna. All I know is if hand washing stops germs someone in this household didn't wash their hands. Who's the culprit? Is it Ryan? Is it Jason? Is it Kelsey? It couldn't be Eric who crawls around on the floor all day putting anything and everything he sees (including nasty, dirty shoes) in his mouth and then smothers us with kisses.
I didn't get my flu shot yet. But since I have the flu I'm hoping that means I don't have to worry about getting it anymore or do I?

1 comment:

millerjk said...

With kids, its hopeless. We spread illnesses around despite my cracked hands to prove the amount of times I wash my hands. They hurt.
But we all got our flu shots yesterday so here's hoping to be spared with all the future flying we are doing.
Hope you are all feeling better soon!
Love you guys!