Monday, November 10, 2008

Who Wants A Clean House Anyway

If there is one room in the house that has to be clean it's my kitchen. It's the first job I tackle.When my kitchen is clean I feel in control. Or so I thought. Then I walked into this room. . .
and realized who's really in the drivers seat. I suppose Jenna and Eric were making sure I didn't run out of things to do today.
Game anyone?


dennisandsong said...

At least you had the kitchen clean (looks awesome!!) My whole house seems to be like your "game" room! I can't seem to keep up these days!
miss you!

Unknown said...

HAHA that was so funny! Your kitchen does look great by the way!

Kelsey Ann said...

YAYYYY!!! Your 100th post! Good job, I'm so proud of you, mom!