Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools Strikes Again!

After the April Fool's joke we pulled on Kelsey last year she decided to get us back. Kate got makeup applied to her face. Ryan got cups full of water set on the headboard of his bed. Jenna got a mascara moustache. Eric got painted toe nails and we all enjoyed pink and blue milk in the refrigerator. But nothing compared to what was in store for Kelsey. Kelsey didn't think we'd get her again but we did. And we got her good! When Jason found out he was coming home on April 1st which just so happens to be April Fool's Day AND Kelsey's birthday we couldn't resist. Immediately, we set into motion the events that transpired below.

The Plan: Since Jason's flight was to arrive just as the kids were coming home from school I told the kids that I had an "appointment" and they would be going to their friend's house after school. The "appointment" of course was picking their daddy up at the airport. After dropping Jason off at home I set off to pick the kids up and take them out to celebrate Kelsey's birthday with a dinner at Chevy's Mexican restaurant.

Meanwhile, Jason was picked up by our friend Deor and her daughter Heidi and taken to the restaurant ahead of us.
Their cover for being there was Heidi needed to interview a family whose father was deployed for her Broadcast Journalism class. (Why she needed to do this at a restaurant??-Kelsey never questioned) Jason disguised himself as a server with a gigantic sombrero. . .

The kids were so surprised and excited. They thought he was coming home on Friday. Even Eric remembered his daddy! We are so glad he is HOME!!!

Oh, and Happy Birthday/April Fool's Kelsey! She didn't think we could get her AGAIN but I'm sure she's glad we did. I don't think she'll ever forget her 14th birthday and the day her daddy came home.

Those of you who missed last years April Fool's Joke can go here.


millerjk said...

Yeah for being together as a family again!
Happy Birthday Kelsey!

dennisandsong said...

Sooo fun!! I thought of you guys this weekend and wondered what great fun things you did with all the reasons to celebrate!! Tell the girls Happy Birthday and Jason WELCOME HOME (Again)!!

Kacee said...

I love it!! What a great surprise. And Kelsey's pranks were good too. My kids have yet to discover those types of April Fools' jokes. Thank goodness. Have fun together again!

christensen clan said...

So fun to see your cute family and hear your cute voice Krista!!!