Thursday, March 27, 2008

Morning surprise

Ryan was being a slowpoke this morning. He had plenty of time to get ready, an whole hour to complete the morning routine that takes about 15 minutes tops. But every time I checked on him he was still in his pajamas, no bed made and he hadn't eaten breakfast. How far was I going to let this go? I quietly (this took extra patience on my part) reminded him that he was seriously running out of time. I just knew he was going to be late. He surprised me though. Not only did he get ready in time but as he walked out the front door he gave me this sweet look and said, "Good-bye, I love you-thank you." Thank you. Did he just say thank you? It actually brought a tear to my eye. Why the thank you?? Whatever the reason, I'll take it. Maybe I'm doing something right after all.

1 comment:

HTF said...

What are you feeding Ryan?! No way is this story true. Our mornings are more like a football huddle with everyone yelling at each other and then hurrying to the line.