Friday, October 24, 2008

Pope-Morrow Weekend

Last weekend Traci came for a visit. I'm not sure how many of these we have left together. Hopefully a few more. But I know what it's like to be apart from your husband so I really hope their house sells soon and this waiting game they're playing will soon be over.

The key to having 9 kids in one house without a basement is to get them out of the house. Traci loves it when their visits coincide with our monthly YMCA Family Night. It's free, it's fun and the best part of all is it requires no clean-up. Kelsey went to her school dance. It was sponsored by the Student Council and she worked the concessions. I asked her if she danced. She said yes but refused to show me her moves. Later she told me they made $1500 that night between the admission fee and concessions. WOW! I was blown away. I'm thinking of sponsoring my own dance.

Then Saturday we headed to Grant's Farm. It would have been fun to go at night because the place was decorated and would have been quite spooky. Every time Jenna saw a Halloween decoration whether it be a ghost, monster or goblin she would point and say, "There's Halloween!"

Jenna didn't care for the animals.We all took a turn but Kate wins the best shot. The girl knows how to act.This is Traci and I being funny. "We're yelling, "No, no, let us alone." The kids didn't share our sense of humor. I do believe we embarrassed them.

Before Traci left she turned to me and said, "Let's plan a sister trip once a year." Even though we get to see each other doing these trips we rarely do anything together that doesn't include cleaning, cooking or planning outings for the kids. By the time we get all the kids in bed we are too exhausted to even turn on a movie. One of my favorite times with Traci was a couple years ago when we went to D.C. to help out our younger sister Kellie who just had a baby. We hung out together, took long walks together and saw the sights downtown. Sister trips are definitely on the MUST DO LIST. That includes you too Kellie. Husbands take note and let the planning begin!

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